Friday, June 1, 2007

Douglas Does it Right, Once Again

Playing by the rules is supposed to keep a person out of trouble. When you play by the rules in a politically charged board meeting, however, where some board members are fuming from a loss of destructive power, you are bound to be attacked even more. Time and time again, we observe an interesting phenomenon at the PUSD board meetings. No matter what Mrs. Douglas says or does, two other board members always go out of their way to show their hatred towards her. Never was there a more clear cut example than at the 5/22/07 board meeting, when Mrs. Douglas requested staff to provide information about the plans to provide lunches to students at high school campuses after NUMEROUS students addressed the board stating the food services dept would be unable to provide lunches for the increased amount of students on campus as a result of the closed campus policy starting next school year. One board member, who apparently could not make sense of another board member wanting an update on the way things are being arranged to accomodate a new district policy (imagine that), threatened to file a complaint against Mrs. Douglas, with the AZ attorney general's office for what she claimed was a violation of open meeting law. The other board member claimed Mrs. Douglas violated open meeting law by asking administration to review this assertion on the part of the speakers. Mrs. Douglas backed away from the never ending chaos that is thrown in front of the board by people with more years on the board but seemingly much less competence regarding board policy. How she is able to deal with the nightmare so calmly and professionally, I will never be able to understand. If only all of us were blessed with her patience! Let's analyze this, and allow you to form your own conclusion as to whether or not Mrs. Douglas played by the rules:

From the board meeting agenda that same night:

Public Comment: Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.01(G) this agenda item provides an Open Call to the Public allowing individuals to address the Governing Board on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board. Individual comment will be limited to three minutes. Statute prohibits the Governing Board from discussing an item that is not on the agenda but individual members of the Governing Board may respond to criticism, ask staff to review a matter or ask that a matter be put on a future Board agenda.

Call me crazy, but when I read this item, I clearly see that it is within the board's own policy for a board member to ask for a review. Mrs. Douglas, as always, shows that she governs with integrity, and plays by the rules. How dare other people attack someone for attempting to do her job. Are you sick and tired of the unnecessary road blocks being thrown at the governing board members? I certaily am. A violation of open meeting law!? Give me a break. I used to think this type of childish, embarassing desperation existed only in a junior high setting, and never would have imagined I would find it in a publicly broadcast board meeting comprised of professional educators.

When will the deception end? When will the governing board members be allowed to advance the district's mission without bitter resentment due to a loss of destructive power? Speak up, community. Certain members of the PUSD governing board are a shameful disgrace and an embarassment to the teaching profession. The taxpayers, our teachers, and our students deserve better. May the truth prevail!

(: Dominic

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