Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Marginalized Voice?

With such tremendous public backing for closed campuses from the PUSD community, radio personalities, newspaper reporters, all the way to the State Superintendent of Public Education, the vocal minority that constantly denounces the new board's decision to protect students by closing campuses continues to marginalize its voice.

The never-ceasing ad hominem method of arguing their points, attacking the messenger rather than the message (such as their latest jabs at State Superintendant Tom Horne) is a logical fallacy that ultimately serves to bring to our attention the real issue the PUSD is facing: it's not about closed campuses, it is about a group of people who are upset they are not in the power seats to make the backbone-filled, data-driven (and common sense) decisions the new board is making.

Check out the latest article about closed campuses in the PUSD here. May the truth prevail!

(: Dominic

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